Pavel Odintsov

On mission to deliver affordable DDoS protection


Work Experience

Co-Founder and CTO

FastNetMon | 2022 - Present

I’m in charge of technical aspects of development and maintenance for deep tech cyber security product which provides lightning fast DDoS detection for Telecoms and Cloud operators. We use Linux, Go, C++ and we run our product on widest possible range of platforms. Any issues with DDoS? Talk to me:

Project leader

FastNetMon | 2014 - 2022

I am the author of FastNetMon, an open source DDoS detection tool with variety of traffic capture methods:

  • Software development
  • Community management

Software Developer Team Lead

Cloudflare | 2016 - 2021

Software Engineer / Team Lead in the DNS team, in charge of development for our DNS service which works in more than 200 data centres across the Planet and powers more than 25 million sites.

My team built completely new version of Cloudflare DNS service which replaced old DNS pipeline which was unable to scale further after reaching limits on 5 million of zones and ~1M queries per second. At July 2021 we reached 25 million of DNS zones and this systems works well till now.

I lead project to create completely new traffic management system which uses DNS for precise routing of CDN traffic. Our system had full support for modern IPv6 protocol and used all benefits of available address space to improve routing accuracy. Our system reduced HTTPS traffic latency by 25% and addressed network connectivity issues in region.

Network Analyst

MSK-IX | 2015 - 2016

I led a project to enable network analytics on terabit scale Internet Exchange for threat detection purposes.

CTO, Board member

FastVPS LTD | 2009 - 2016

I was in charge of all technical aspects of this cloud hosting company. I worked on network capacity planning, data centre automation, built hosting management systems based on OpenVZ and KVM, maintained the DNS management system, implemented server orchestration (Puppet), and implemented a monitoring system (Zabbix based). The platform empowers the company’s cloud hosting service and still used by the company today.

I doubled number of company’s locations for cloud service by launching two new datacentres in the Atlanta, US and Estonia, EU. These locations have continued to show strong growth and contribute to company’s success. When I left FastVPS in 2016 its turnover had increased from 0.6m Euros in 2011 to 5.7m Euros. FastVPS was in the list of most successful Estonian companies in 2015 and 2016 according to

Technical lead of hosting division

REG.COM | 2008 - 2009

Responsible for all technical aspects for this shared hosting service. I implemented the most critical parts of the hosting management system, introduced new developers into our system and trained support engineers.

Software Engineer

REG.COM | 2008 - 2008

Developed a virtual hosting automation solution. Maintained and extended the domain registration system, and maintained servers for hosting service.



  • · Network Telemetry on modern routers. NANOG 88, 2023
  • · DDoS mitigation using FastNetMon Community. DKNOG 13, 2023
  • · FastNetMon Community: open source tool for DDoS Detection. M3AAWG 57, 2023
  • · BGP Flow Spec for DDoS mitigation: practical aspects. DENOG 14, 2022
  • · BGP Flow Spec for DDoS mitigation. NetLDN 33, 2022
  • · FastNetMon Community, tool for lightning fast DDoS detection for networks of any scale. NetBCN, 2022.
  • · Pavel Odinstov at FastNetMon. Route to Networking podcast, E50, 2022
  • · FastNetMon and Metrics. Altinity Meetup, 2022.
  • · DDoS attacks from IXP customer’s perspective. UKNOF 48, 2021
  • · Lightning fast DDoS detection with FastNetMon Community. Practical implementation. APNIC, 2021
  • · FastNetMon Community Workshop. Euro-IX, 2021
  • · DDoS attack mitigation using FastNetMon Community. APIX 24. 2021
  • · Comprehensive deep dive into FastNetMon for DDoS detection purposes. INNOG, 2021
  • · Network Telemetry for DDoS Detection Applications. SANOG 37, 2021
  • · Network Telemetry for DDoS Detection Applications. UKNOF 46, 2021
  • · DDoS Challenges In IPv6 environment. UK IPv6 Council, 2020
  • · FastNetMon and DDoS detection. LinkMeUp Podcast, 2020
  • · Pavel Odinstov on FastNetMon Use Cases. The Hedge Podcast 16, 2019
  • · FastNetMon – An Open-source DDoS Detection Engine. NetLDN, 2019
  • · Pavel Odintsov and FastNetMon. The Hedge Podcast 10, 2019
  • · The road to the Ultimate Stub-resolver. DNS OARC 30, 2019
  • · Using Open-Source FastNetMon For DDoS Detection. Packet Queue podcast 141, 2018
  • · Scaling up: How we made millions of domains happier. DNS OAC 26, 2017
  • · Pavel Odintsov talks about challenges of open source projects. SDCast podcast, 2017
  • · FastNetMon – Open Source DDoS Mitigation Toolkit. RIPE 71, 2015
  • · FastNetMon - Open Source DDoS Detection and Mitigation toolkit. ENOG 9, 2015
  • · Linux containers experience in Cloud hosting company. Fedora virtualization days, 2014
  • · Containers are the future of the cloud. RockIT, 2013


Diving, Skiing, Travelling